The Plan of St. Gall was drawn up in the 9th century for a monastery in Switzerland. It was carefully laid out with all the buildings and gardens the monks would need – including an orchard, a vegetable garden and a medicinal herb garden next to the infirmary. Jan has searched all over Europe for the seeds of these ancient plants.
Please note; some of the medicinal herbs are now known to be very poisonous, so do not use them for medicine without consulting a trained herbalist! (we are still adding to this section)

Tanacetum balsamita, or Balsamita vulgaris, is a perennial temperate herb known as costmary, alecost, balsam herb, bible leaf, or mint geranium. “The costmary is a perennial with oval serrated leaves

“Hyoscyamus niger, also known as stinking nightshade or black henbane, is a plant of the family Solanaceae that originated in Eurasia, though it is now globally distributed. IT IS